
Galatea Angelis
A rabbit who knows little of the world outside of her home and church.
Galatea is a rabbit trained for sisterhood from around the age of four. She's sheltered, and can come off as shy. Despite this, she has a penchant for teasing those close to her, and isn't afraid to bite back.
Her name is a cruel joke, surely referring to her hair, her eyes, and the expectation laid upon her to be the perfect picture of purity at all times.
Her greatest wish is to protect those dear to her heart, and she’ll stop at nothing to make that wish come true.
Galatea's family are descendents of the Moon Goddess. Galatea herself is an incarnaiton of their Goddess, and due to this, her parents tend to push her harder than they should.
She was born sickly. Mona's working theory is that her body is unable to handle the raw power inside of her, so she needs to train to become stronger.

She met Diluc as a child, but perhaps due to the stress she was under, she forgot all about him. He's been secretly pining after her since. They met again when she finds Diluc injured in the town after his vigilante activities. She healed him, and warned him to be more careful. She couldn't help but find his stern demeanor cute.

Their meetings became more frequent, though by pure coincidence, and later they wind up in a relationship. They get married and have two children.
Galatea hides bitterness underneath her kind and caring exterior. It's not that she isn't kind, it's just that there's more lying beneath the surface.
She struggles with her mental health, experiencing severe depressive episodes that last for months, and then go like nothing ever happened. On top of that, she has panic attacks, and finds it difficult to calm down without someone around to ground her.
She's distant and spacey, often losing herself in visions and waking dreams. She has more nightmares when asleep than she does good dreams. She treats her dreams as scenes from alternate realities, learning from the mistakes of her dream selves. Whether or not this is a delusion is up to the reader.
Though she was originally pushed into it, she eventually finds joy in her line of work. Galatea's story is one of healing and growth from trauma. In the end, she's the one who saved herself. She wouldn't have made it out without her loved ones beside her, though.